DOCTOR WHO Series Eight to Make Us Wait

capaldiFans of DOCTOR WHO, get ready to cool your heels for months waiting for the inaugural adventure of Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor — a lot of months.

I cannot speak to how reliable The Guardian is in these matters, but according to the UK newspaper, series eight will not hit our screens until fall 2014:

“It will not return next year until the autumn, giving it plenty of time to recharge batteries. And what better way to do that than with a new Doctor?”

On the one hand, this doesn’t faze me much because waiting until fall for a new season is par for the course here in the USA, and considering we get the Christmas Special on… well, er, Christmas Day, a nine-month wait isn’t that awful.

On the other hand, it is an awfully long time after series seven. “The Name of the Doctor” wrapped things up back on May 18, and now this fall we’re only getting the 50th Anniversary Special, the docu-film AN ADVENTURE IN TIME AND SPACE and the Xmas episode. So that’s a very long time to go with minimal programming, no matter how high the quality.

One thought on “DOCTOR WHO Series Eight to Make Us Wait

  1. For diehard fans, such as myself, this wait will he agonizing, but worth it. For people who havent already been hooked and have only been exposed to tye more recent weak storyline, this may prove fatal to their following.

    We are accustomed to waiting til the Fall for season premieres here in the US, but then, the season finales usually come in late winter. We’re effectively talking about a year’s hiatus. The ADD generation may not suffer such a wait.


Oh, yeah? Sez you!

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