It’s Official: Disney Buys 20th Century Fox Properties

The Walt Disney Company has announced that it is acquiring 21st Century Fox‘s film and television studios, cable entertainment networks and international TV businesses for $52.4 billion dollars.

But forget all that financial babble — all comic book fans want to know is: When will the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool be reunited with the House of Ideas? Well, it’s certainly going to happen, as Disney’s release stipulates:

“The agreement also provides Disney with the opportunity to reunite the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool with the Marvel family under one roof and create richer, more complex worlds of inter-related characters and stories that audiences have shown they love.”

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The First ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Trailer Is Here, and It Is Everything!

This is it: Every movie in the Marvel Studios line of superhero films has been leading up to Avengers: Infinity War, and the House of Ideas has finally dropped the first trailer promoting its ultimate achievement. If this movie tanks, all 18 films Marvel has put on the screen over the past 10 years will have been for nothing.

But from the looks of this trailer, AIW will not tank. In fact, it looks like the biggest, baddest superhero movie ever. It looks positively epic!

Not only do we get to see Peter Parker’s Spidey Sense make its franchise debut, we get a bearded Captain America, a blonde Black Widow, Thanos without his helmet, Doctor Strange, Loki wielding the Cosmic Cube… I mean, the Tesseract, the cool Black Panther — and those A-holes, the Guardians of the Galaxy!

Take a deep breath. Just breathe.
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Get Psyched for ‘Captain America: Civil War’ With New Photos!

We’re less than a week away from opening day for Captain America: Civil War, and if you need any more help getting excited for this blockbuster, just take a peek at these photos Marvel Studios and Disney have unleashed upon an already-rabid fandom.

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And Now… the Honest Trailer for ‘Avengers: Age of Utron’

Once again, those clever folks over at Screen Junkies have come up with a funny piece — however, similar to Mad Max: Fury Road, the writers were forced to reach for truly bad stuff.


Yeah, the jist of it is that the movie couldn’t possibly live up to the insane fan expectations — and it didn’t. That’s the criticism in a nutshell.

But I did like how the voice-over pointed out that in addition to being entertaining on its own, this movie had to set up  Captain America: Civil War, Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and who knows how many other follow-ups…

New Avengers Footage Shown… in Car Commercial!

We all know that product placement is here to stay, as are “the official whatever of whoever” sponsorships. We live with it. But here is a benefit of the advertising partnership: sometimes we get to see cool new footage in the commercials, as is the case with Audi and Avengers: Age of Ultron.

A:AoU opens May 1. I presume Audis are available now at your local dealerships.

New ‘Age of Ultron’ TV Spot Is Action-Packed

As the magic day — the first of May — approaches, the promotion onslaught for Avengers: Age of Ultron will begin in earnest. But for a film that looks like this much fun, I don’t think anyone is going to mind! Just watch the third TV commercial:

Did you catch the first clear, full-face shot of the Vision right there at the end, or did you blink? He’s the red-faced guy.

As a public service, here are the first and second TV spots, and the amazing full-length movie trailer.

Watch the ‘Age of Ultron’ Trailer of Awesomeness

Ultron is the focus of the newest trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron — with a brief recap of his origin and James Spader using his creepiest voice to  lay out the evil AI’s plan to destroy Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Lots to love about this trailer, which its action-packed scenes and intriguing teases — do Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) hook up? Do any of the big guns die? Who wins, Hulk or Iron Man in Hulkbuster armor? (Just so you know, Uncle Joe firmly believes that Hulk should win, but how it plays out on film is anyone’s guess.)
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