Marvel Doubles-Down on Ant-Man Movie

liberacedouglasWhile we all know that Paul Rudd was recently cast as the title character in Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man, the story of Marvel Comics’ shrinking superhero; but we didn’t know which version of the character — genius scientist and inventor Dr. Henry Pym or good-hearted thief Scott Lang — was going to be the focus of the movie.

Now we do: Rudd will portray the Lang incarnation of Ant-Man. But he won’t be the only Ant-Man in the film — Marvel Studios has confirmed that Michael Douglas will also star in the movie, playing Hank Pym!
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Zoe Saldana Gets Another Job!

zoerosemaryIn her tireless quest to ensure that no other actress in her age group ever works again, Zoe Saldana (the Star Trek franchise, Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, Avatar franchise) has taken the role of the baby mama in a remake of Rosemary’s Baby.

Mia Farrow made the role famous in Roman Polanski’s 1968 adaptation of the novel by Ira Levin. The new production will be a four-hour miniseries on NBC — which, fresh off record ratings for a reimagining of The Sound of Music, naturally decided the next logical step is to remake a legendary and near-flawless horror film.

This  latest version — which begins filming this month — moves the creepiness from New York City to Paris, where Saldana’s pregnant Rosemary notices a lot of strange stuff going on with her husband, and neighbors taking an unhealthy interest in her unborn child. It’s Rosemary’s baby — but who’s really the daddy?