Bane is the Bane of New Poster

Here is the latest advance promo poster for The Dark Knight Rises, and… well, it almost worked…

The shame of this is, I could picture this being a really cool poster — if only the ridiculous-looking Bane wasn’t in the center of it. The gray cityscape is grim and gritty, the orange flames stand out and draw the viewer’s eye to the center of the image… where Bane waits.

This poster looks intriguing; the painting is excellent; the scene is dramatic; and then you get to the figure in the middle, with some black… stuff instead of a face. What the—?

I know fan outrage over Bane’s completely muffled and incomprehensible dialogue convinced director Christopher Nolan to change the villain’s voice to something understandable to human beings; is it too late to get Bane’s face mask changed? Or, better yet — is it too late to get a better villain?

Oh, yeah? Sez you!

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