DC Triples-Down on Wonder Woman

gal-gadot-wwWarner Bros. and DC Entertainment have done a complete 180 on Wonder Woman. The publisher and studio have switched from having absolutely no confidence in the property at all — they nixed a WW film written by Joss Whedon, for Hera’s sake!!! — to committing her to appear in three upcoming movies, including one solo adventure.

Controversial casting choice Gal Gadot revealed that when she signed to play the Amazon in Zack Snyder‘s upcoming Man of Steel sequel  Batman vs. Superman (working title), she actually committed to a three-picture deal. According to showbiz bible Variety, she will be paid $300,000 for each of her appearances. First up after Bats v. Supes, Variety says:

“Gadot will play the role in a Justice League movie and a Wonder Woman stand-alone film.”

But none of that is happening anytime soon. Remember that BvS has been bumped to 2016, the Justice League flick is next, and the solo WW feature would be shot sometime after that. WW is not necessarily next in line.

Still, it’s good news to hear that Warner/DC is willing to develop new screen characters instead of relying totally on Batman (after losing star Christian Bale) and Superman (which they still cannot get right on celluloid). I’m pretending that Green Lantern movie never happened….

3 thoughts on “DC Triples-Down on Wonder Woman

    • I’m not sure about that… If they do Justice League, it would account for all the rumors of JLA-like heroes being squeezed into BvS. I think DC/Warners is too gun-shy to right into a WW solo flick, since they’ve had so much hard luck with everything except the “Dark Knight” iteration of Batman lately. No one wants another “Green Lantern.” And if they do fumble WW by rushing into it, then WW will look like “damaged goods” and no one will be able to try again for probably a decade or so.


      • I am hoping they do another solo movie with someone other than Superman or Batman. If they go with the New 52 origin of the JL and switch up the story a bit they could make a JL work right now. I hope Warner Brothers Casted her with integrity knowing they want a franchise.


Oh, yeah? Sez you!

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