Marvel To Unleash All-Female Avengers Team: A-Force

aforcecvr1An all-female Avengers team called A-Force will emerge from the Secret Wars event, taking over after older versions of the team have disbanded (or worse), Marvel Comics has announced.

The team will be led by She-Hulk; Dazzler; Medusa; Nico Minoru; Singularity, a new heroine with cosmic powers; and others to be announced.

The cover of the first issue, drawn by Jim Cheung,  features a huge potential roster, including: She-Hulk, Medusa, Singularity, Dazzler, Nico, Storm, Scarlet Witch, Rogue, Phoenix, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Pixie, Elektra, Rescue, Spider-Gwen, Black Widow, Moondragon, Snowbird, Aurora, Capt. Marvel II, Hellcat, Firestar, Vindicator, Jubilee and Spectrum.
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