Neil Gaiman Has a Follow-up Appointment With the Doctor

Best news of the day by far: Neil Gaiman has been 100 percent confirmed as a writer of an episode in the back half of series seven. He has penned the 12th episode, which will be followed by Steven Moffat’s season’s ender.

Of course there is no word yet on the episode’s title or storyline or guest cast, but just knowing that it is going to happen is awesome. Fans will recall that Gaiman won a Hugo award for his previous contribution, last year’s “The Doctor’s Wife.”

Confirmation of this news comes from the newest issue of Doctor Who Magazine, which lists the writers and directors for the rest of the season — but no broadcast dates or story titles. The rest of the writing roster looks like this:

1) 706. Written by Steven Moffat. Directed by Colm McCarthy. (Filming now)

2) 707. Written by Neil Cross. Directed by Farren Blackburn. (Not filmed)

3) 708. Written by Mark Gatiss. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon. (Filmed)

4) 709. Written by Neil Cross. Directed by Jamie Payne. (Filmed)

5) 710. Written by Stephen Thompson. Directed by Mat King. (Filmed)

6) 711. Written by Mark Gatiss. Directed by Saul Metzstein. (Filmed)

7) 712. Written by Neil Gaiman. Directed by Stephen Wolfenden. (Not filmed)

8) 713. Written by Steven Moffat. Directed by TBA. (Not filmed)

Oh, yeah? Sez you!

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