First of all, the biggest news for DOCTOR WHO in America since… well, probably since the show was first imported here: DOCTOR WHO is the cover story on the next issue of Entertainment Weekly, a big, glossy mainstream pop-culture magazine!

The feature goes “Inside the Cult of Doctor Who,” and features interviews with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill, as well as the Grand Moff, who says, “It’s not an obscure show anymore,” says executive producer Steven Moffat. “It’s not even a ‘British import.’ It’s just Doctor Who.”

I don’t think the importance of this (long-overdue) honor can be overstated; this is a powerful acknowledgment of the influence of DOCTOR WHO on pop culture in America. We devotees have long known that fans of the Doctor are legion, and now a mass-market magazine is validating it. (Not that we geeks ever need validation, but it’s nice to have.)
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