DOCTOR WHO Visits NYC’s Central Park

Here are a couple of photos from today’s DOCTOR WHO shooting in New York’s iconic Central Park, depicting the Doctor and  Amy not exactly enjoying a picnic. Matt Smith (the Doctor) and Karen Gillan (Amy) are joined by Arthur Darvill (Rory), but there are no Weeping Angels in sight.

Since this scene is for the fifth episode, are the Ponds moving to New York after their time in the TARDIS? Talk about a town that is the opposite of Leadworth

The most interesting thing to me about this photo is the newspaper Amy is reading. The fictional New York Record‘s headline declares: “Detroit Lions Win Superbowl!” This clearly suggests that this scene takes place at some future date, because the hapless Lions have never even appeared in the Super Bowl, let alone won it… so far. (And let’s hope that a Record copy editor can rewrite time in order to spell Super Bowl correctly before the episode is broadcast.) BTW, nice brainy specs, Amy!

If you need more proof that this is a picnic — and that Amy seems miffed at the contrite Doctor — here’s the picnic basket.

And do not fear, Rory fans — Mr. Pond is just out of frame in this image. But he is there [POSSIBLE SPOILER!], alive and well.

I wonder where those sneaky Angels are, though…

Oh, yeah? Sez you!

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