The Hath and the Judoon Hath Returned!

The new season of DOCTOR WHO will see the return of some alien species not seen since Russell T Davies‘ reign on the show: the rhino-like Judoon and the fish/turkey hybrid Hath.

The Judoon debuted in series three’s premiere episode, “Smith and Jones,” which also introduced the 10th Doctor to Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman). The rhino soldiers and their trademark barking, untranslatable language last appeared in the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) story “A Good Man Goes to War.”

The Hath were introduced in series four’s 10th Doctor story “The Doctor’s Daughter,” and a representative of the species was glimpsed in David Tennant‘s final story, “The End of Time.”

DOCTOR WHO returns Sept. 19 at 9 p.m. on BBC America.

2 thoughts on “The Hath and the Judoon Hath Returned!

    • Ah, yes, the Mondoshawan from “The Fifth Element.” Yes, there is a resemblance.
      I can’t help liking the silly way the Judoon talk, however. “Bo Cro To Mo Sho FO!”
      And 10 looked funny talking back to them!

      Liked by 1 person

Oh, yeah? Sez you!

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