Still Nothing to Fear in Another Dull FEAR THE WALKING DEAD

feardead02Well, FEAR THE WALKING DEAD was only mostly a snoozer this week.

I was interested when there was some actual tension — for about 45 seconds — when Madison and Knife Boy were running and pushing the cart because they weren’t sure who was setting off the school metal detectors.

But other than that, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

There are two gigantic problems with FTWD, and the series has demonstrated no interest in remedying them.

  1. We know it’s zombies, but the characters don’t — and it’s taking forever for them to figure it out. Nobody in this fantasy universe has ever seen a zombie movie. This makes the characters annoying and seem stupid.
  2. This show is playing out exactly — exactly — like the first season of THE STRAIN. So we have literally seen all of this before, and it’s dull. We’ve seen people discover the early sufferers. We’ve seen the people insist that the infected are “Just sick, they just need help.” We’ve seen the disjointed, dysfunctional families; even the heroic Hispanic family has been done already.

Do something new and interesting, FEAR THE WALKING DEAD!