Watch the Opening Minutes of FEAR THE WALKING DEAD

The spin-off/prequel to THE WALKING DEAD, called FEAR THE WALKING DEAD premieres tonight at 9 p.m. on AMC. The network released a video of the opening three minutes of the pilot, and here it is:



It’s probably just me, but I am still not sold on this series. This opening doesn’t strike me as mysterious and interesting — even if it does parallel Rick’s awakening in the premiere of the mothership — it just feels forced and dragged out.

You can bet I’ll be watching tonight and I’ll be hoping for the best, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this…

DOCTOR WHO Goes With ‘Found Footage’ Gimmick

reeceThe new season of DOCTOR WHO will, unfortunately, be indulging in a trend that I greatly dislike: the “found footage” gimmick. The ninth episode will be told entirely in “old phone and camcorder footage.”

Ugh. I am not looking forward to artificially grainy images and bouncing, shaking camera shots.

Shot in the style of movies like Paranormal Activity and The Blair Witch Project, the episode will involve “the Time Lord’s followers filming their attempts to fight a monster,” the Daily Star reported.

Executive producer Brian Minchin teased: “We’re considering not even having opening titles and just running the footage.”
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