Second DOCTOR WHO Series 9 Trailer Materializes

The BBC has released a second trailer to help get us psyched for the return of DOCTOR WHO just barely more than a month from now!


“Same old, same old — just the Doctor and Clara Oswald in the TARDIS!” Indeed!

There appears to be a lot of new aliens and monsters in this forthcoming season — but also another appearance from the Daleks. (I would really like to see an entire season without the bloodthirsty pepperpots but, alas, they are to be too popular to exile.)

This season will also feature a dragon and Maisie Williams, but there is no truth to the rumor that there will be a full-blown GAME OF THRONES crossover.

In case you’ve forgotten the season’s first trailer, you can see it again here.

The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) will be back in action in just a few short weeks, when the series returns on Sept. 19 at 9 p.m. on BBC America.