A Peek at “The Power of Three”

Looks like we’ll get one more light-hearted fun adventure before this week, before the harrowing end of the Ponds in episode five…

Here’s how lead writer/executive producer Steven Moffat introduces the next episode, “The Power of Three”:

“The day the Earth got cubed. The year of the slow invasion. The time the Doctor came to stay.

There have been many ways to invade the Earth, and the Doctor has seen them all. Or so he always thought – and then the human race wakes up one morning and discovers the world has been overrun by… small black cubes. Which then proceed to… do nothing much at all. A plan is afoot, humanity is endangered – but by what and how and, above all, when? For the first time in his world-saving career the Doctor has to call upon the least of his virtues: patience. And the Ponds face something possibly more terrifying than any world-ending apocalypse – the Doctor is moving in!

Not just a tale of alien intervention, this is also the story of a nice young couple who happen to have a bow-tied lunatic from space staying in their spare room. It’s halfway between an alien invasion movie and The Man Who Came to Dinner.”

The set-up reminds me of “The Lodger,” one of my very favorite comedy episodes. I look forward to the embarrassing situations the Doctor will be getting himself and the Ponds into as they try to survive domestic life together while still monitoring a potential alien threat. I am sure Amy will not miss an opportunity to tease the Time Lord, and maybe Rory will get a teensy bit jealous again…