Disney Is Open to Making Fox-style R-rated Superhero Films

The senses-shattering news that Disney, home to Marvel Studios, has acquired 20th Century Fox‘s library was met with elation by many comic book fans, but the blockbuster deal also struck fear into the hearts of some, who worried that the family-friendly brand would neuter Deadpool’s famously NSFW aesthetic and turn the foul-mouthed and bloody murderer into someone acceptable at a small child’s tea party.

While not a promise, it sounds like Disney is at least willing to consider releasing R-rated superhero movies like Deadpool and Logan in the future — as long as they are segregated from the PG-13 heroes and the kiddie stuff.
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It’s Official: Disney Buys 20th Century Fox Properties

The Walt Disney Company has announced that it is acquiring 21st Century Fox‘s film and television studios, cable entertainment networks and international TV businesses for $52.4 billion dollars.

But forget all that financial babble — all comic book fans want to know is: When will the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool be reunited with the House of Ideas? Well, it’s certainly going to happen, as Disney’s release stipulates:

“The agreement also provides Disney with the opportunity to reunite the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool with the Marvel family under one roof and create richer, more complex worlds of inter-related characters and stories that audiences have shown they love.”

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Deadpool Sequel’s NSFW Teaser: ‘Wet on Wet’

Deadpool, the “merc with a mouth,” is back, and he’s brought us a very NSFW painting lesson that pays loving tribute to the late Bob Ross more than it teases next summer’s Deadpool sequel.

There’s no way this should work, but Ryan Reynolds forces it to work through sheer commitment to the ludicrous material. He molds this into potty-humor gold.

Now I want to see the untitled Deadpool sequel more than ever! It drops June 1, 2018.

First Red Band (NSFW) Trailer for ‘Deadpool’

I’ll be the first to admit that I do not like Marvel’s “Merc with a Mouth,” Deadpool. And I am… let’s say, not the president of Ryan Reynolds‘ fan club. I have next to no interest in the production of the Deadpool movie. But… now there’s this funny, violent trailer, and… well… just watch it.

I can’t explain it, but the movie appears… watchable. There may even be a few *shudder* funny bits. This is shaking my worldview.I guess I can console myself by pointing out has Morena Baccarin and Colossus in it…

Luckily I have until February to reconcile myself with a guilty urge to actually pay to see a Ryan Reynolds Deadpool movie.

Deadpool’s Movie Costume Looks Like Deadpool’s Comic Book Costume

deadpoolDon’t laugh; it’s no small thing that the lead character’s onscreen costume will resemble what he wears for his four-color adventures in print every month — just ask the X-Men!

Star Ryan Reynolds unveiled his latest superhero threads — remember the atrocity that was his Green Lantern costume (and movie)? — this morning by aping a famous Burt Reynolds pose.

Of course a character that I despise gets a great costume…
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Deadpool ‘Prototype’ Mask Unveiled

deadpoolIn news that strikes me more as a threat than a promise of things to come, Ryan Reynolds took to Twitter today to give fans a peek at his costume for the upcoming Deadpool movie.

The photo he posted was tinted, but the mask appears to be pretty close to the Marvel comic book version.

Ryan Tweeted:

Sepia tone disguises the fact the mask is ballerina pink. It’s early. 365 sleeps early. #deadpool #prototypes

Ryan also refers to the fact that the film is one year away from release. Remember, though — Deadpool is a 20th Century Fox property, not a Marvel Studios production.

Who could forget Reynolds’ portrayal of… well, some version of Deadpool from 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine? Or his portrayal of… some version of Green Lantern?

No matter how hard we’ve tried.

There Should Be Only One!

The director of the completely superfluous Highlander reboot, Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, has abandoned the project, citing that old favorite, creative differences. I assume he wanted to be creative, which must have horrified the producers of the remake. (Hello? A remake is creatively bankrupt from the word go, so don’t try to excuse them.)

highlander1Fresnadillo helmed the workmanlike 28  Weeks Later, and tried to bring a little something different to the sequel to Danny Boyle’s masterful 28 Days Later, so Fresnadillo was probably one of the better choices for the new project-that-no-one-asked-for.

Sadly, the remake idea is not dead; Summit Entertainment – which inflicted the Twilight franchise on movie theaters everywhere – is now looking to start over after almost a year in preproduction under Fresnadillo. One shudders to think about Summit execs demanding a teen love story for the immortal hero. However, it is possible that this major shakeup will prompt lead actor Ryan Reynolds to search for another franchise to ruin latch onto.

If you’re dying to see a Highlander film, go rent the real thing, THE ONLY ONE: the 1986 original, starring Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery and Clancy Brown in his greatest villain role, all directed by Russell Mulcahy. And no one is going to improve on the soundtrack by Queen!

But what do you think? Is there room for a modern reimagining of a 1980s classic?

There Can Be Only One… er, Ryan Reynolds?

Just chop off my head now…

I somehow managed to miss this information when it was announced, and remained blissfully unaware for almost two weeks, but it has finally ruined my day: Ryan Reynolds will star in the (completely unnecessary) reboot of Highlander. Reynolds will play Connor McLeod, a 16th-century Scotsman who discovers that he one of a dwindling race of immortals fated to fight amongst themselves until only one of their number is left.

The 1986 original film was directed by Russell Mulcahy (who never again did anything worthwhile, in my book) and starred Frenchman Christopher Lambert as the Scottish Connor, and Scotsman Sean Connery as an Egyptian masquerading as a Spaniard, Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez. The Immortals can only be killed by decapitation, and they were compelled to battle each other through history until only one remained. The winner obtained “The Prize” — mortality and the ability to sense the thoughts of everyone in the world.
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Green Lantern’s New Duds Are a Dud

Another superhero, another costume controversy. Images from Entertainment Weekly of Ryan Reynolds in his CGI Green Lantern costume for the forthcoming Martin Campbell movie adaptation have hit the Internet thanks to sites like iFanboy and MTV Splash Page. My initial reaction: I hate the ringslinger’s uniform!

Upon further reflection, I loathe it.

I want the costume to die in a fire because it is way too different from the hero’s classic look. In my book, this qualifies as a completely different, brand-new uniform. One that belongs on a GL from some other sector, not Earth’s 2814; it is simply too alien-looking. Are those textured ridges supposed to mimic musculature? Why? Looking at the giant GL logo on the chest, it appears to me that the designer was trying to say, “See the logo, guys? Maybe nothing else looks the way it should, but this guy is Green Lantern because he’s got the frakkin’ logo! Oh, and because he’s green.” Yeah, he is green. All over. We cannot see the entire costume, but it appears to be completely green, with no black elements and no white gloves. The mask doesn’t even look like it’s actually on his face — which it apparently isn’t, since it’s a CGI element. The mask looks like graffiti on his mug. And giving GL pupils looks like an ill-fated attempt to make him appear blind.
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