DOCTOR WHO to debut in USA on April 23!

After too many months, the announcement I have been waiting for so breathlessly has finally been made: The new season of DOCTOR WHO will premiere on BBC America on April 23, at 9 p.m., according to Entertainment Weekly.

This will be the sixth season since the world’s greatest fantasy series was retooled and revived, the 32nd overall, and second starring Matt Smith as the 11th incarnation of the Doctor, the last of the Time Lords. Also returning are Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, and Arthur Darvill as her husband, Rory Pond.

Among the highlights that have already leaked (possible minor spoilers): Award-winning fantasy author Neil Gaiman has written an episode currently slated to air fourth; the Doctor has a “proper” adventure in America (partially filmed in picturesque Monument Valley); Alex Kingston returns as the enigmatic River Song; and James Corden will be back as the Doctor’s ex-roomie, Craig Owens (last seen in “The Lodger”). The season kicks off with a two-parter written by show-runner Steven Moffat that promises to reveal at least some of River Song’s secrets.

Is it April 23 yet? Is it? Is it…?

Oh, yeah? Sez you!

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