And Now… the Honest Trailer for ‘Avengers: Age of Utron’

Once again, those clever folks over at Screen Junkies have come up with a funny piece — however, similar to Mad Max: Fury Road, the writers were forced to reach for truly bad stuff.


Yeah, the jist of it is that the movie couldn’t possibly live up to the insane fan expectations — and it didn’t. That’s the criticism in a nutshell.

But I did like how the voice-over pointed out that in addition to being entertaining on its own, this movie had to set up  Captain America: Civil War, Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 and who knows how many other follow-ups…

‘Guardians of thr Galaxy’ – The Honest Trailer

Even though the folks at Screen Junkies admit, “We’re really reaching here, this was a fun movie,”  this Honest Trailer does a pretty good job making fun of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, he year’s top-grossing movie.

Sure, most of the jabs rely on the relative obscurity of the characters, but it’s still fun!

“I am Groot!”

Happy National ‘Ghostbusters’ Day

It’s National Ghostbusters day! Today marks the 30th anniversary theatrical re-release of the 1984 film starring Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson.

So who ya gonna call? How about those wacky folks at “Honest Trailers”?

A limited theatrical engagement starts Aug. 29, and a 30th Anniversary Edition comes out on Blu-ray Sept. 16.


“Honest Trailer” Parodies Prometheus

Ridley Scott’s highly-anticipated, somewhat underwhelming Prometheus is available on Blu-ray/DVD today, packing a bunch of alternate and deleted scenes, commentaries and all the usual good stuff to this kinda/sorta/more or less prequel to the Alien franchise.

I enjoyed Prometheus for what it was — probably because I was the only person in the world who didn’t expect Scott to answer all the questions in the Alien universe — and I posted a review to that effect after I saw it in the theater. I am looking forward to watching the Blu-ray because I want to see what was left out. Interestingly, Scott refused to cut together an extended version of the movie for this release, because he says the version seen in theaters is his “director’s cut.” So the extra  footage is on the disc, just not edited into the movie.

To have a little fun with the movie, here is a so-called “Honest Trailer” that pokes holes in the regular trailer with a cynical voice-over telling us what we’re not really going to see…

My favorite line is the bit about the woman “who can only run in straight lines” — I was practically shouting in the theater for her to “take a hard right! Or a left, even!”