Strax Reports on the Doctor and the Queen

Strax has filed another field report for the Sontaran military, this time looking at the Doctor’s once and future frenemy, Queen Elizabeth I.

For some reason, I never tie of Strax’s (Dan Starkey) inability to differentiate between human “boys” and “girls.” I chuckle every time. SONTAR HA!

The Doctors (Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt) will next encounter Good Queen Bess (Joanna Page) in “The Day of the Doctor,” the DOCTOR WHO 50th anniversary story, to be simulcast globally on Nov. 23.

Strax Assesses the Zygons

DOCTOR WHO’s Strax has filed yet another field report (via the BBC) with his superiors on Sontarr, and this one evaluates the Zygon threat to Earth expected in the 50th anniversary story, “The Day of the Doctor.” This is also helpful for any fans not lucky enough to have seen the 1975 Fourth Doctor classic, “Terror of the Zygons.”

Also, Strax (Dan Starkey) gets in a nice plug for the tourist trade of… er, “Scotchland.”

‘The Universe Doesn’t Care’

Oh, Doctor, you’ve really taken the loss of companions Amy and Rory to heart, haven’t you? Your dejected, depressed persona now just sees a dark and uncaring existence where once you saw light and life and adventure…

In this new clip from next week’s DOCTOR WHO Christmas Special, “The Snowmen,” Strax (Dan Starkey) tries to convince the Doctor (Matt Smith) to investigate the fresh alien snow that has fallen on Victorian London. Only… when has the Doctor ever needed to be convinced to investigate something otherworldly? Or as fun as snow – think of the snowballs!

“The Snowmen” airs Dec. 25 at 9 p.m. on BBC America.